Auto News

Get to Know Your Coolant System

Not many people pay attention to their car’s cooling system. Especially when a car has low mileage, there’s little to be concerned about, however, as the miles pile on things may start to happen. Lets take a look at what your coolant system does and things that you can do to make it last for years.

The primary job of an automobile’s cooling system is to remove the excess heat generates as you run your engine. As a result of combustion, the coolant temperature in a car can heat up to well over 200 degrees, and that energy has to go somewhere! That’s when the engine coolant starts working. The coolant absorbs engine heat and transfers it to the radiator where it is dissipated into the outside air.

As a car owner, you should know that a major factor that affects the reliability of your cooling system is the frequency of regular maintenance it receives -such as coolant changes and checks of hoses and belts. Motorists should consult their owner’s manual for specific recommendations about how often to flush the coolant system and change the coolant. A coolant removes dirt or sediment that has accumulated over the years.

Something that all drivers should know how is how to check the coolant level in their cars. It should be regularly checked at the reservoir and there are indicator lines that will show you what level it should be at. If you are unfamiliar with what your car’s coolant reservoir looks like, and how indicator level lines work, consult your owner’s manual. If the coolant is low in the reservoir, Reedman Toll Jaguar recommends a 50/50 mix of approved antifreeze and water should be added. By the way, when the coolant level is checked, do a visual inspection of hoses, belts for age-related cracks, and the radiator for any coolant leaks.

Drivers should always be aware of signs of trouble, particularly with older cars. Obvious signs of cooling system problems are the vehicle temperature gauge on the dash rising near the danger zone. If the temperature gauge does rise into the red zone, you can be almost certain that you have a cooling system problem of some sort. If see leakage of a green fluid inside your car, under the hood or on the ground under your car, you likely have a coolant leak and should consult a mechanic.

The coolant systems in today’s cars are very reliable and only need periodic maintenance. If you attend to the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule and perform a visual inspection periodically, your car’s coolant system should last for many, many years.